
Friday, August 9, 2013

Dreaming of the Beach

One thing I really wanted to do this summer was go back to my "home" of Hawaii but just didn't seem to get there. (Insert kicking and screaming here!) So I let the hubster know that since we didn't get back this summer that for my BIG birthday this year, it is a must.  I don't want any surprise parties (they actually scare the heck out of me), I don't need any presents, just a trip to the beach is what the doctor ordered (ok, I fibbed to him about that but hey, what ever works right?).  So since I will have to wait until Fall break, I just can't get the calming colors of Hawaii (as I see them) out of my mind.  So, I made a planner/Binder that reminded me of the coastal visions that are in my minds eye to bring me back home for now!  I hope you enjoy!

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